Abri's Services

We do a lot more than provide homes

We believe home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.

Home is feeling safe, feeling secure, feeling happy. It’s a refuge. It’s where you feel you belong - where you’re part of a community. It’s a place where you can dream big, achieve your goals and be who you want to be.

But not everyone is fortunate enough to have a home. Homelessness, poverty, domestic abuse, and inequality are challenges people face every day. Finding ways to solve these challenges drives us.

And not everyone has had the same opportunities or life chances either. That’s why we help people with budgeting, finances, employment, training, health and wellbeing.

The belief that we can fix these issues, or at least make a dent in them is something shared by everyone at Abri. It’s what gets us up every day.

Have you read our 2023/24 Customer Annual Report

Read it here
The Round About Cafe, Southampton