Neighbourhood Policy

A fresh approach to managing our neighbourhoods

Earlier this year we asked what mattered most to you about your neighbourhood. A big thank you to everyone who responded to the consultation and gave us your thoughts. We read through each and every response and used this information to help us shape our new approach to managing our neighbourhoods – introducing a new policy and procedure, and a new set of standards that you can expect from us, and we can expect from you.

If you need to report a repair, or something else in your neighbourhood, you can:

  • Call us on 0300 123 567
  • Email us at
  • Talk to us via LiveChat using MyAbri

Estate Standard

You told us that the appearance of your neighbourhood and services such as grounds maintenance were important to you. So we’ve introduced a new set of standards for how we manage our neighbourhoods. Our Estate Standard document sets out how we’ll look after the physical environment, including everything from carpets in communal areas, to trees and shrubs.

The guide provides easy to understand information including pictures of what different service levels looks like, and the level you can expect. If we’re not meeting these expected levels, we need you to let us know so we can make it right.

Download our Estate Standard

Good Neighbourhood Charter

Your feedback also showed us that you value how it feels to live in your neighbourhood and the relationships you have with your neighbours.

At Abri, we believe every customer has the right to enjoy living in their neighbourhood and in their home in peace and comfort. This means you, and all our customers, must show consideration, think of others and be a good neighbour.

Being a good neighbour means being reasonable and tolerant of different people’s cultures and lifestyles, and considering how your own behaviour affects others around you. Our Good Neighbourhood Charter outlines the behaviour we expect to see from our customers.

Download our Good Neighbourhood Charter

Is your neighbour’s behaviour having an impact on your life?

We want you to feel safe and to be able to have open conversations with your neighbours about things that might be bothering you. If your neighbour’s behaviour is having an impact on your life, we encourage you to talk to them about it before getting in touch with us to try and find a local resolution. It maybe that your neighbour isn’t aware of the impact your behaviour is having on them. You can use one of our ‘Hello Neighbour’ cards to tell them what’s going on and how it’s impacting you if you are not confident to knock their door for a chat.

We’re here if you need us. If you can’t resolve the issue directly with your neighbour, let us know. Depending on the problem, we can do things such as:

  • Confirm parking arrangements
  • Offer mediation
  • Look at minor improvements to reduce the transfer of living noise
  • Refer to our Community Safety Team if we feel the behaviour might be intentional anti-social behaviour.

Download the Hello Neighbour Card

Quarterly estate inspections

We're running quarterly estate inspections and we’d love for you to come along and talk us through any concerns you have about your neighbourhood. It's a chance for us to discuss how we can work together to resolve any issues and explore possible neighbourhood improvements.

We’re currently looking at ways we can introduce this in areas where we have a lot of homes next year, so watch this space.