You'll find our financial reports here
You can find out a lot about us by looking at our financial statements. They show our achievements over the last year.
They also look in depth at the changes we have made to our business. And whether these changes have been useful.
On 2 October 2023, Silva Homes became a subsidiary of the Abri Group. As a result the statutory accounts for Silva Homes and Forest Future Homes can now be viewed on this page.
Being financially strong is important to us
It means we can build more homes. It gives us options. And means we can invest more in local communities.
To stay financially strong, we’re always keeping a check on our money. We’re savvy. So we can make sure we’re always getting good value for money.
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Financial Statements 2022/23
Financial statements 2021/22
Financial statements 2020/21
Financial statements 2019/20
Financial statements 2018/19
Financial statements 2017/18
Financial statements 2016/17